
Smile Makeover - Salisbury, NC


dental patient smiling
"Not Smiling Made Me Self Conscious About Myself - My Smile Makeover Changed Me."

Hi, my name is Amy and I got a full smile makeover from Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel. Before I met Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel, I had lot of missing teeth, lots of different fillings, spotted, broken and spaced out.

I’m a store manager for a grocery store. I come in contact with about 1,200 people a day and I also run all the community events for 23 stores in my district. That put me in front of a lot of people. With the community stuff around, they’re always taking pictures and they’d say, “Okay, smile Miss Amy,” and I’d smile. “Give me a big, toothy grin,” and there was no big, toothy grin. It made me very self-conscious of myself. I felt like a lot of times, people were looking at me and not really hearing what I had to say. 

With my kids, they’re 23 and 6 at the time, and I’d spent money on them. My six-year-old, at the time, I picked her up one day and she looked at me and said, “Mommy, you’ve got spots all over your teeth. What’s that?”, that was the day I decided that I needed to change. I’d fixed all and I’m willing to spend the money on that teeth and got them already, and it was mommy’s time.

I felt like a lot of times, people were looking at me and not really hearing what I had to say.

dental patient smiling

Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel:

When Amy came to our office, her chief complaint was one of her fillings fell out. Because she works in a public setting, she wanted to make sure that gets taken care of. After going through the different options, she decided that she’s going to go through with the dental crowns and porcelain veneers. Just like Amy’s case and have her personality changed just like that, after the smile makeover, that makes us come back to work every day, and we love what we do.


I tell you I’ve probably been to 10 dentist before her, probably 15. It’s because nobody made me feel comfortable. From the way she talked to me till the way she walked me through exactly what she was going to do and she said this is what you need to have done. But this is what I’m doing first to make you feel better about yourself and then we’re going to go back and fix what needs to be fixed. That really soaked me. 

The first time I looked at my brand new smile, I felt overwhelmed. I was very emotional. I still get emotional talking about it. I mean, it’s changed everything in my life. The first time Abigail, my daughter saw me she came running up to me she said, “Let me see your teeth mommy” and I smiled real big and she goes “Oh, you’re so pretty.” It’s changed every aspect of my life from how I work to the conversations that I have with other people. I tell everybody that I come in contact with about Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel and Beautiful Dentistry. The time made from how I walked to how I smile to how I talk has changed every aspect of my life.

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