
Smile Makeover - Salisbury, NC

Shannon & Gail's

dental patient smiling
"Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel Was Amazing With My 3 Year Old, My Mom, And My Whole Family!."

My name is Shannon. And I got orthodontics and gum reconstructive surgery done here at Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel’s office. I had went to the dentist for years. Growing up, not my most favorite doctor to go see. I had extreme anxiety. Nervous when I went to the dentist because I had some bad experiences. So there was probably about five years that I did not go to a dentist. And then I had my son who was at the time three, and I knew I needed to get him to a dentist, but I had no clue who to take him to. 

And so I asked around, and Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel was highly recommended. And so, I took my three-year-old to see Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel. He was, I guess, my guinea pig to see if he liked her if I would come. And she was amazing with him. And at that point, I thought “Well, okay, I will try her”.

And she was amazing with him. And at that point, I thought "Well, okay, I will try her".

dental patient smiling

Dr. Hetal Amin Patel:

We started seeing Shannon probably about 10 years ago. She has a beautiful set of teeth, healthy teeth. In her mind, she wasn’t really happy with her teeth. And she wanted something to be done. She wanted a vibrant smile, and she didn’t know what to do. And so she decided that she was going to go through with the braces. We straightened her teeth, and then we did her gum recontouring surgery, professional teeth whitening, and voila there she goes. Absolutely gorgeous smile.


My mom has obviously, known me my whole life, and we just assume that that smile that I envisioned would never happen because my teeth were not like what I was wanting. So when she saw that I was going to a dentist again and not fearful because I would have extreme anxiety going to a dentist, then she said, “Well, I’ll try”. At one point, I was in braces, my mom, and my 13-year-old were all in braces at the same time.


Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel’s, just awesome. She cares about her patients. Because I was very nervous, she could tell it, but she put me such at ease.

Dr. Hetal Amin-Patel:

Having them as a family coming to us also helps us to really realize that regardless of how much cosmetic dentistry we do, we really are at the
end are family dentist. We provide care to a family and all of their needs. That’s what makes us who we are. We are like one dental family.


I tell–and I do tell everyone, like, if you’re looking for a dentist, even if you’re not looking for a disk, if you’re not happy with your dentist, you need to try Patel. She is compassionate. Every time, she was genuinely glad to see you. She asks about my children. If they’re not with me, how are they doing in school? What’s their future goals? It’s not just, she’s there for that exam and leaves. That speaks volumes. Not many people that I’ve come in contact truly, truly care besides just treat you as a patient. They look at you as literally part of their dental family, and that’s huge to me.

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